I had two scripts that were identical, well almost. I ran the two together, but straghtened them out. Anyway I have one here, that when ran say's: Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at headline.pl line 7 and 10. I have changed differernt things within, nothing worked. It is back to it's original state now. Can someone point out
the problem I have with this script please? Thanks For your help!

use warnings;
use strict;

open LYNX, "lynx -source http://www.perl.com/ |" or die "Can't open lynx: $!";
$_ = "";
$_ = <LYNX> until /standard\.def/;

my $head = <LYNX>;
$head =~ m|^<A HERF=[^>]+>(.*?)</a>|i;

print "Today's www.perl.com headline: $!\n";

 Thanks Again!

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