I need to write some code to allow users to specify which of a whole
bunch of elements(e.g.512/1024) that they want to view.  My idea for
how to do this was to have them input a semicolon delimited list, for


i tried using this to check to make sure they input a valid list that
i can process:
       foreach ($temp2 = <>) {

        $list1 = $temp2;

        if ($list1 =~ /(\s*\d+;)+/g || $list1 =~ /(\s*\d+;)+/g ) {

            print "yay\n";
        }else {print "boo\n";};

        #print "...",$list1, "...\n";


which doesn't work, because as soon as it matches the first time,
anything goes.  How do i get it check for repetition, even though i
don't know how many repetitions there will be.  there could be
1,2,3,5, even 10 groupings.

so the pattern isns't hard, there has to be a number, then either a
'-' or s ';', then repeat or not.  the only special case is the first
one which could just be a single number, or a number '-'number.  I
just don't know how to implement it.


thanks, ryan

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