Ryan Moszynski wrote:
> I need to write some code to allow users to specify which of a whole
> bunch of elements(e.g.512/1024) that they want to view.  My idea for
> how to do this was to have them input a semicolon delimited list, for
> example:
> 1-10;25;33;100-250

You will need more than a regex:

my $lower;
my upper;
for my $part ( split /;/, $list ){
  if( $part =~ /(\d+)-(\d+)/ ){
    $lower = $1;
    $upper = $2;
  }elsif( $part =~ /(\d+)/ ){
    $upper = $lower = $1;
    warn "invalid format of part: '$part'\n";
  # process $lower and $upper


Just my 0.00000002 million dollars worth,
   --- Shawn

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