Omega -1911 wrote:
> Am I allowed to give a view point from the perspective of a "newbie"
> NOT to Perl, but to some of the "styles" I have been introduced to
> (Remember TIMTOWTDI ???)
> What has taken place here is a "War of the Gods" that reminds me of so
> many listservs, forums, and "magazine rebuttals" (letters to the
> editor). Eventually, with this type of war, this list will eventually
> cause the good ones to stop posting/answering and the newbies fearful
> of asking a question. Not gonna lie about it. My style of code would
> probably remind most of you of the 90's... BUT IT WORKS and I
> UNDERSTAND IT! For the most part, I learned that in Perl, there is
> more than one way to do it, BUT from this list, it appears that there
> is ONLY ONE way...
> So I ask, can someone up front stop the car, stop the arguing, simply
> pull over, ask for some directions and lead us to where ever it is we
> are supposedly going...As I forgot the map, starting to feel car-sick,
> and I gotta peeeeeee...

I apologize if you are upset.

But even us crude, obnoxious, self-centered egomaniacs have a sense of
right and wrong. As I said, I have thought about this, and no, I cannot
give it a rest.


Just my 0.00000002 million dollars worth,
   --- Shawn

"For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by
doing them."

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