Nishi Bhonsle wrote:
> If I am still using the below logic, how can i modify the below prog
> to ignore empty directories and list only directories containing
> directories
> and files in buildlist.txt ?
> opendir DIR, $path or die "Can't open $path: $!";
>  #my @new = grep /[^.]/, readdir DIR;
>  my @new = grep { $_ ne "." and $_ ne ".." } readdir DIR;
>  closedir DIR;
>  open FILE,">>C:\buidlist.txt";
>  print FILE "$_\n" foreach @new;
>  close FILE;

Hi Nishi

To check whether a directory's empty or not you need to read /that/ directory in
turn. Since you'll be doing it twice it may as well go into a subroutine:

  use strict;
  use warnings;

  my $path = 'C:\data';

  my @new = grep { -d and dirlist($_) } dirlist($path);

  open my $fh,">> C:\\buildlist.txt";
  print $fh "$_\n" foreach @new;
  close $fh;

  sub dirlist {
    my $path = shift;
    opendir my $dh, $path or die "Can't open $path: $!";
    my @dir = grep { $_ ne "." and $_ ne ".." } readdir $dh;
    closedir $dh;
    map "$path\\$_", @dir;

The subroutine dirlist() reads the directory, removes '.' and '..', and adds the
original path to each filename to return a list of the full paths to the
directory contents. The program calls dirlist() on the original path and uses
grep() to retain only those elements that are non-empty directories by using -d
and a further call to dirlist().

By the way, please 'use strict' and 'warnings' and use lexical variables like
this in your software so as to minimise the risk of simple mistakes.



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