On Tuesday 25 July 2006 09:23, siegfried wrote:
> I have some cron jobs running perl for many hours. Sometimes I would like
> to control things dynamically or even shutdown the job if I notice it is
> not running properly (based on the log files).
> Below is what I am doing presently (inside a loop) and I feel there must be
> a more elegant solution where I can label my values. Presently my file
> "delay.txt" looks like
> 1
> 1
> And I would prefer it look like
> delay= 1;
> continue = 1;
> Thanks,
> Siegfried
> sub getDelay{
>   local *FILE;
>   my $delay;
>   my $continue;
>   open (FILE,"delay.txt");
>   $delay = <FILE>;
>   $continue = <FILE>;
>   $delay = $delay + 0; # force integer
>   close(FILE);
>   return ($delay, $continue);
> }

You may want to try something like this:

 sub getDelay{
   local *FILE;
   my $delay;
   my $continue;
   # added check that file was found and opened
   open (FILE,"delay.txt") or die "'delay.txt' open: $!\n";
   my $contents = do { local $/; <FILE>; }; # 'slurp' the file into $contents
   # regex over multiple lines for keyword and pick up single digit
   # defaults to 0 if not found
   $delay = $contents =~ /delay\s*=\s*(\d)/s ? $1 : 0;
   $continue = $contents =~ /continue\s*=\s*(\d)/s ? $1 : 0;
   return ($delay, $continue);

Untested! Beware of typos.

Aloha => Beau;

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