--- Lee Goddard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Most of the docs you'll ever need are in perldoc
> Perldoc perl
> Perldoc perltoc                   Table of contents
>         perlboot            Perl OO tutorial for
> beginners
>         perltoot            Perl OO tutorial, part 1
>         perltooc            Perl OO tutorial, part 2
>         perlbot             Perl OO tricks and
> examples
>         perlstyle           Perl style guide
> Only after you've read those get what ppl call The
> Camel Book, but is
> actually Programming Perl published by O'Reilly, and
> only after that get
> Advanced Perl Programming by the same publisher. But
> post any questions
> you have to the list. I rmmember learning Perl OO
> after Java, and asking
> 'what is a thingy?'
> -- 
> Lee Goddard
> Independent Contractor, Software
> Development/Analysis
> BBC Radio & Music Interactive
> * Room 718 | Henry Wood Hs | Regents St | London W1
> 1AA | UK * 020 776
> 50849 * lee(at)server-sidesystems.ltd.uk
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Derek B. Smith
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 18 September 2006 20:38
> To: Perl List
> Subject: transition to Perl developer
> To the Gurus,  
> I am in the process of making a transition over to a
> Perl Developer.
> From a knowledge standpoint, is there anything I
> should know or need to
> know.  For example I do not know OO that much.
> What about any specific modules that are useful?
> Any other advice?
> thank you
> derek

Ok thanks for replying!  I have owned Programming Perl
for quite some time now and although I have not read
it from front to back, I have read most of it. Perl
Best practices is another book I refer to from
time-2-time.  Learning Perl I read years ago, but now
the nice folks at Stonehenge came out with
Intermediate Perl and now they will be releasing
Mastering Perl.  I thought it was a nice transition
from Learning to Programming so are these 2 new books
really necessary? Intermediate Perl did not get that
great of reviews from amazon.com


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