* Mathew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-09-20T19:29:53]
> I'm curious how to pronounce various built-in variables in perl.  Like
> $_ or [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Having never heard it spoken and only seeing it in 
> print,
> I've taken to calling it "dunder" (Dollar + Underscore).  Granted, the
> way I pronounce it has no impact on how my or anyone else's scripts run.

Good question.  Here are some common pronunciations:

  $_ - "it" or "the topic"
       foreach (@line) { chomp $_; };  # for each line, chomp it
  $! - "the error code" or "buck bang"
  $@ - "the exception" or "buck at" or "the error"
  @_ - "the stack" or "at under"

Many vars can be called by their English.pm name.

  $_ - "arg" -- I've never heard that
  $! - "errno" or "error number"
  $@ - "eval error" -- I'm not sure I've ever heard that
  $$ - "pid" (or "buck buck")
  $? - "child error" (I have never heard "buck hook")
  $, - OFS
  $\ - ORS
  $/ - RS
  $< and $> and $( and $) - uid, euid, etc
  $0 - "dollar zero"

Lots of the funny ones are rarely used enough, or their pronunciation is short
enough, that you just say them the way you would if you knew nothing about

  @ARGV - "argv"
  @INC  - "ink"
  %INC  - "percent ink"
  $;    - "dollar semicolon'

> I've just been curious about what would, I guess, be considered the
> official pronunciation.  How would Larry pronounce it?

Nothing would.  Perl does not have an office.


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