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John W. Krahn wrote:
>> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
>> use strict;
>> my @filenames;
>> my $processDir = "/usr/bin";
>> opendir DH, $processDir or die "cannot open $processDir: $!";
>> foreach my $file (sort(readdir DH)){
>>         push @filenames, $file;
>> }
> Why not just:
> my @filenames = sort readdir DH;

Being new to Perl I want to learn the "long" and traditional way before
I begin figuring out all the shortcuts.

Having been overwhelmed by all of the numerous options and possible
methods of accomplishing this I took what I understood from everyone's
suggestions and came up with this:


use warnings;
use strict;

my $processDir = "/usr/bin";
my @filenames;
my $file_count = 0;

opendir DH, $processDir or die "cannot open $processDir: $!";
foreach my $file (readdir DH){
        next if ($file =~  /^\.]$|^\.\.$/);
        push @filenames, $file;
closedir DH;

foreach my $filename (sort(@filenames)) {
        $filename = "$processDir/$filename";
        my $mod_time = (stat($filename))[9];
        print "$filename: $mod_time\n";
        $file_count += 1;

print "\nThere are " . $file_count . " items in the filenames array.\n";

Dr. Ruud had mentioned that I was sorting too soon so I placed that in
the second foreach loop.  I corrected the match expression and prepended
the directory to each file prior to running stat on it but didn't save
the new value to the array.  I was having a hard time understanding the
- -f option and the line with grep in it so I didn't bother with those
this time around.  Perhaps I'll look into how to use them next time.

Thanks everyone, for all you help.

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