Dear Thomas,

I am running PING from the package Net, can u tell me where can i find the
logs of cron jobs as because with that i will be able to check the
possibility of not running the script, please


On 10/11/06, Thomas Bätzler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Mazhar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My Code is to ping a range of IP reading from a text file and
> if they are not reachable then just write the IP's to  a
> file. Regarding permissions i am running the same script
> using root previliges and i am able to run the script maually
> but it is failing if i write the script in cron like one
> below, 10 * * * * /scripts/
> Can u all please help on the above

How do you ping the remote hosts? If you script runs on the
command line but not from cron, then it's usually a safe bet
that it's due to the environment and especially the PATH
variable. Either make sure to set up the PATH properly or
run commands using their fully qualified path names.


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