Thanks to everyone for their feedback, I understand how to do basic logic and control flow, what I'm really looking for is how to get

 goto &CORE::return;

to work like it reads.

log_error_and_return($error, @return) if $whatever;

Close.... you want

return log_and_go_home($error, @return) if $whatever;

No :) again I want:

 goto &CORE::return;

to work like it reads.

To avoid ambiguity, I'd consistently name the function: carp_return() for example so you can look at it and go "Oh it looks like it carp()s first and then returns" this way you can cut down on using the same logic over and over and over and make it easier to maintain.

Again, as an illustration:


 if($whatever) {
     carp "Oops: $!";

You do that basic thing several times in that funtion, and that in several functions, in several moduels and script. Say a total of 100 times.

now say you want to add a date stamp to every carp in that sitauation.

Now you have to add it to 100 places, instead of:

But if you could do this:

  return_carp(...) if $whatever;

the first time around then you could have 10000 places it gets used in your app and still only change it in one place. And its pretty unambiguous IMHO.

Next imagine the stamp it gets is changed format, again you need to find and update 100 (or are there more now than there where a few weeks ago when you first added the stamp?) places instead of one which addresses all concerns :)

So any ideas about how to get:

 goto &CORE::return;

to work like it reads.

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