--- zentara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, 1 Dec 2006 20:31:11 -0800 (PST),
> ("Derek B. Smith") wrote:
> >I was hoping for socket data transfers to mimic an
> >sftp/ftp get without having to deploy code to the
> >clients and or deploying this module on the
> clients.
> Think about it, how could that work?  You need some
> sort of code on the clients, whether it's your
> custom
> script, or existing server code. 
> Do the clients run a web server? You could place
> the files in a htaccess password protected
> directory,
> and get them thru https?
> There are many ways to go, http, ftp, ssh2, etc.
> You don't have to install the Net::EasyTCP module
> on the clients. There is no xs component, it's pure
> perl.
> So you could actually include the EasyTCP code, as
> a package right into your script.
> zentara

ok thanks 4 the advise, but I have thought about it.
All the clients do not have the same access routes.
For example, some have ssh turned on while others do
not. Those that do not, have ftp and the majority of
all the clients do not allow root login over ssh. So
now u see my dilemma... I have begun to use an scp
script, but I knew there was a way to use sockets to
xfer files so I thought I would learn something new
while I was getting all the files together.

I dont understand > "there is no xs component" and I
dont understand > "So you could actually include the
EasyTCP code, as a package right into your script."

Will u explain?


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