positive mind wrote:
Hi there,

is it possible to automate the login and log out say from yahoo mail using LWP/HTTP module. cause i have application which is similar to this and i have
to send my login request alongwith few query parameters . after i login i
will be logged in to my applications mail box. how can i do this..i know
which query parameters to send but not able to construct the  url.

the query parameters are site=xyz.abc.com lang=en locale=us and few
more..which are static. but there is something called random number which is
hidden one and which is generated randomly. if i do view source on the login
page then i can get the value of this random number.

my query is how do i get this random number from my perl script and pass it as query param. any idea will be helpful.

You probably want the WWW::Mechanize module which will let you emulate form
filling and submission on a Web browser, including any hidden fields. If you can
give us the URL for the login page we will be able to help you better.


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