Thanks.  I did change the longRunningModule part.  The syntax error was in the 
  if ($@) {
  apparently at the end of the line, which I believe usually means opening 
brackets without closing brackets or vice versa.

Jay Savage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  On 1/8/07, hOURS  wrote:
> Hi everyone,
>  Jay offered me the following code to help with something. I don't  undertand 
> it, but tried to use it anyway to see if it would work. The  computer told me 
> there was a syntax error in the area I highlighted in  color. I can't find it 
> - maybe that's because I don't understand the  code fully, but if anyone can 
> show me where it is I'd be grateful.
>   Thanks,
>   Fred Kittelmann
> Jay Savage  wrote:my $timeout = 3600; # 1 hour
> eval {
>     local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "longRunningModule timed out\n" };
>     alarm $timeout;
>     require longRunningModule;
>     alarm 0;
> }
> if ($@) {
>     if ($@ =~ /timed out/) {
>         # timeout
>     } else {
>         # some other error
>     }
> }
> Fred Kittelmann


Most people on this list probably don't accept HTML emails from it--I
know I don't--so it's unclear what you highlighted in color.

My guess, though, is that you don't actually have a perl module named
'longRunningModule'. That's just the placeholder the perldoc uses. you
need to replace that with whatever bit of code you're trying to
timeout. The code from the perldoc is generic; you need to make it fit
your situation.


-- jay
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