Here is a snippet of the code:
    my $MyFileHand;    
    my $MyFileHand1;    
    open($MyFileHand,"<$MyFileIn")   || diet (3, $MyFileIn, $!);
    open($MyFileHand1,"<$MyFileIn1") || diet (3, $MyFileIn1, $!);
    proc_getrcd( $MyFileHand , $MyEOFProd, $MyWorkp, $MyInp ,
$GlblInfo{compcnt}, $MyUnpackSw );
    proc_getrcd( $MyFileHand1, $MyEOFTest, $MyWorkt, $MyInt ,
$GlblInfo{compcnt}, $MyUnpackSw );

Subroutine being called:
sub proc_getrcd {
    #    0              1       2         3     4              5
    my ( $MyFileHand, $MyEOF, $MyWork, $MyIn, $MyRunningCnt, $MyUnpack )
= @_;
    return if ( $MyEOF );
    my $MyData = <$MyFileHand>;
    if ( ! defined $MyData ) {
        $_[1] = 1;
        printf "EOF hit on read: %7d\n",
    $MyData =~ s/[[:cntrl:]]/ /g if ( $MyData =~ /[[:cntrl:]]/ );

    if ( $MyUnpack ) {
        @{$MyWork} = unpack($GlblInfo{unpackv},$MyData);
     else {
        $MyWork->[0] = substr($MyData,10,16);
        $MyWork->[1] = substr($MyData,1126,10);
        $MyWork->[0] =~ s/\s+//g;

 }  # end of proc_getrcd
        I have three main subs that I am using to print and then compare
the data:

        sub 1           reads the first 10 rcds of the Test file and
prints out the data
        sub 2           reads the first 10 rcds of the Prod file and
prints out the data
          Now these subs use the the same above sub, but is doing the
unpack into the passed array. I have checked the output in the different
elements and they are different in value and the key for each record is
there so I know it has gottent the next rcd.

        sub 4   is the compare and reading of both files, but always
ends up only doing the read

        Know I am mssing something very basic, but escapes me.


  Wags ;)
David R Wagner
Senior Programmer Analyst
FedEx Freight
1.408.323.4225x2224 TEL
1.408.323.4449           FAX 

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