On 02/23/2007 09:06 AM, Zembower, Kevin wrote:
Mumia, I don't think the problem is in sending the file out. When the file is recorded on /tmp/, its size is zero. The files I'm uploading are at least 1KB. Something's wrong with reading the file from the uploaded filehandle, I believe. Your example takes for granted a properly written file on disk, and doesn't include reading an uploaded file from a filehandle. I have other scripts that send out files as attachments using MIME::Lite, so I'm somewhat confident in this part of my script.

Thanks, though, for taking the time and effort to try to help me with my problems.


Yeah, I should've read your message more closely, sorry.

  open(TMP_FILE, ">$tmp_file_name") or die "Can't open temp upload file
   my $fh = $query->upload('Material_File');
   while (<$fh>) {
      print TMP_FILE;
   } # while there's more file to upload and store

You've already mentioned that you're on a UNIX system, so setting binmode to raw shouldn't matter, but I suggest covering all the bases anyway:

open (TMP_FILE, ">:raw", $tmp_file_name) or die "Can't open temp upload
file $tmp_file_name: $!";
print TMP_FILE <$fh>;

However, I don't see a reason to save the data to a file at all. Why not just slurp the data directly from the file handle? Here is an example that doesn't send the mail:

use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI::Pretty qw(-no_xhtml :standard);

url_param('posted') ? process() : request() ;

sub request {
    print header(
        -type => 'text/html',
        '-cache-control', 'no-cache',

    print start_html('Upload File'),
        h1('Upload File'),
        p('Use this page to test uploading a file.') ;

    print start_form('POST',
            url(-relative => 1) . '?posted=1',
        p('Enter the path to your file to upload here:'),


    print end_html;

sub process {
    require MIME::Lite;

    print header(
        -type => 'text/plain',
        '-cache-control', 'no-cache',

    my $fh = param('test-upload');
    return unless $fh;

    my $mime = MIME::Lite->new(
        From => '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
        To => '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
        Subject => 'Test of File Upload',
        Type => 'text/plain',
        Data => do { local $/; <$fh> },

    print "\n";
    print $mime->as_string;



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