I searched for a good document on how to write a makefile but didn't find 
anything satisfactory. I would like to write something similar to what is 
written below.

I want that my_pg.PL takes the specific modules that are specified in PM. note 
that it is better not to specify the directory of the modules since i might not 
want to take all modules in a directory and relevant subdirectories.

my_pg.PL takes some file paths as argument the first 2 ones are files to be 
read and the last 2 files are the files to be written.

 perl Makefile.PL
Writing Makefile for Merge

nothing happens at compilation. In addition to your solution, any example of a 
makefile or a good tutorial on this is welcome. I used programming in perl but 
not very helpful to solve my problem

look forward to your reply
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;

        NAME            => 'my_name',
    PM         =>  
        'path_to_1stpmFile' =>    '1stpmFile.pm',
        'path_to_2ndpmFile' =>    '2ndpmFile.pm', 
    PL_FILES    =>
        'my_pgm.PL path_to_fileR1 path_to_fileR2 path_to_fileW1 path_to_fileW2' 
   => 'my_pgm.PL'

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