oops sorry for the last mail...i pressed the enter button
neways here is the problem...


ProbeNames      Exp1    Exp2    Exp3    Exp4    Exp5
244901_at       24.3    46.4    37.4    19.5    59.6
244902_at                       36.6    92.4    49.5    42.4          29.6
244903_at                       46.4    19.4    -       18.2    19.8
244904_at                       56.2    29.4    78.4    37.8    -

ok Exp is the experiment name..Probes are under the ProbeNames and the
digits are the signal values..

i want to find the average value for each Probe i.e each horizontal
line.For ex:Avg value for 244901_at is so and so,avg value for
244902_at is so and so..

so what i did is took out the first line and the first column and used
split on  the values.My code is as follows:


#!/usr/bin/perl -w


open(FILE,"<$file1")or die "Unable to open file";
open(OT1,">$output1")or die "Unable to open file";

while($line=<FILE>)   #reading each line in the file.
      $line =~ s/"//g;       #taking out the delimiters(Quotations)
      my @fields=split(/\t/,$line); #getting a list of values.
         foreach $fields(@fields)
                if ($fields=~ m/_at/){}
                print OT1 "$fields\n";

what do i do next??

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