I have a perl script that sits and waits for socket connections and I
want to make this into a windows XP service but Im unsure how to do

activestate at
says this little bit on how to do it:

    "How do I run a Perl script as a Windows 200x/XP Service?

    You can run your Perl scripts as Windows 200x/XP Services by
accessing the Microsoft Management Console. The Windows 200x/XP help
files contain plenty of information on how to start the MMC and how
you can use it for Perl scripts."

Which dosnt help me much and the Windows 200x/XP help files make me
unlearn things theyre so bad.

Also, Ive seen that there are some libraries like Win32::Service and
Win32::Daemon, but the perldocs arent explaining what I need to know.
Could I use these modules to make my perl script into a service?

Is there an easy registry setting to set and make it load a perl
script (I can call a perl script from a .bat file) as a service?

Im looking for a book or a tutorial or, if its easy, a message on how
to do this.


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