On Aug 4, 2:45 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John W. Krahn) wrote:
> > I am new in perl. i want print 2 valuable in same line but my script
> > it print split into 2 line. if i hard code will work. i dont
> > understand why is happen. can some please explain to me thanks,
> > #!/usr/bin/perl
> > print "which client\n";
> > $a = <>;
> > $db = <>;
> > $dir="/u1/data/$a";
> > $avar="$dir/$db;
> > print "$avar";
> When you use something like:
> $a = <>;
> you are getting the contents of $a from the command line and it will include a
> newline at the end so when you see:
> which client
> and you type:
> cold1man
> your perl program assigns the string "cold1man\n" to the variable $a.  You
> need to chomp the variables first before you can use them:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use warnings;
> use strict;
> print "which client\n";
> my $a = <>;
> chomp $a;
> my $db = <>;
> chomp $db;
> my $dir="/u1/data/$a";
> my $avar="$dir/$db;
> print "$avar";
> John
> --
> Perl isn't a toolbox, but a small machine shop where you
> can special-order certain sorts of tools at low cost and
> in short order.                            -- Larry Wall

Thank it works :)


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