On 8/30/07, Beginner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 30 Aug 2007 at 6:32, Peter Scott wrote:
> > On Thu, 30 Aug 2007 10:32:01 +0100, Beginner wrote:
> > > I want all the output plus any error messages to got to a log file. I
> > > used the BEGIN block to direct STDERR into the file:
> > >
> > > BEGIN {
> > >       open(STDERR, ">>/usr/local/myreports/report.log") || die "Can't
> > > write to file: $!\n";
> > > }
> > >
> > > use strict;
> > > use warnings;
> > > ...
> > > ### Start some logging ###
> > > my $log;
> > > my $logfile = "$dist_dir/report.log";
> > > open($log,">>$logfile") || die "Can't write to $logfile: $!\n";
> > > print $log "$0 called at ", &tm," with pid $$\n";
> >
> > Why are you using a BEGIN block?  Why not just make it the first
> > executable statement?  Do you have any other 'use' statements in the
> > program?
> Yes I do. Several standard modules plus one or 2 of my own. The BEGIN
> block adds the path to my modules as well so it really looks like
> this at the moment (I have tested Mumia's INIT yet):
> BEGIN { unshift @INC, '/etc/perl';

This is better done with

    use lib qw(/etc/perl);

which doesn't need the surrounding "BEGIN" block.

>         $| = 1;
>         open(STDERR, ">>/usr/local/myreports/report.log") || die
> "Can't write to file: $!\n";
> }
> use MY::MakePDF;
> use MY::SendEmail;
> use MY::Number;
> use MY::PDF_Handler;
> use File::Basename;
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> I want the STDERR from those modules to go to the log file also.

Just perfect ;-)

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