On 30 Aug 2007 at 10:07, Mumia W. wrote:

> On 08/30/2007 09:37 AM, Beginner wrote:
> > [...]
> > 
> > I tried the INIT option and that worked also and I liked the fact 
> > that my `perl -c myscript.pl` sent it's output to screen and not my 
> > log file and I can use a scalar for logfile. 
> > 
> > q1) Does this still give me the effect of getting any errors from the 
> > other modules directed to our $logfile?
> > 
> Probably not. There's no better way than to try it and see if it works. 
> Read "perldoc perlmod" too.

Not sure how conclusive this is but if I put 

print STDERR "Just testing\n";

in one of the used modules it does get logged to the logfile. However 
is appears at the top of the log!! Before all the other messages even 
thought that module's functions are not called to near the end. 

> > q2) Will our $logfile now be a shared variable across all my modules?
> Try it and see.

No. It's not.

> > q3) The $debug/verbose question: Will I have to pass subroutines in 
> > other modules the $debug value if I am going to ask for more output, 
> > or if I do the same to $debug as I did with $logfile, use our instead 
> > of my. Will that allow those subroutines to check if debug is 
> > enabled?

> Most people create a logging module if they want total control over 
> logging. That module might have a packag $debug_level variable that 
> determines how much information is logged.
> However, the Perl error and warning messages don't fit your logging 
> model, so you'll probably have to write something yourself or find it on 

Log::Handler looks pretty comprehensive. 
Thanx for the tips.

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