I have a dataset of values for variables for subjects.  Some subject have
multiple records, requiring an average:

ID  Var1 Var2
1   1.0  2.0
1   2.0  1.5

1   1.5  1.75

If I collect the variables into an array, I can average the contents after I
have processed the entire file.  It would seem that I want something like:

my %subjects ;

$subjects{ $ID }{ $var }[ 0 ] = $var1 ;
$subjects{ $ID }{ $var }[ 0 ] = $var2 ;

It does not seem like I could PUSH values onto the array:

push $subject{ $ID }{ $var } , $var1 ;

My first inclination is to use EXISTS and a create a variable intended to
INDEX the array:

my $index ;
if ( ~ exists $subjects{ $ID }{ $var } ) {
  $index = 0 ;
} else { $index = $subjects{ $ID }{ $var } ) 

  $subjects{ $ID }{ $var }[ $index ] = $var1 ;

I would appreciate any comments or suggestions concerning this approach.

Thank you,


Kevin Viel, PhD
Post-doctoral fellow
Department of Genetics
Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research
San Antonio, TX 78227  

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