
That is exactly what I wanted. Thanks for pointing out all those errors
for me and your help with the script. Appreciate the prompt respond.  


-----Original Message-----
From: John W.Krahn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2007 1:10 PM
To: Perl beginners
Subject: Re: array within array

On Monday 29 October 2007 06:42, Mike Tran wrote:
> Hey all,


> I'm new with Perl and need help with this simple script. I'm still
> playing around with the script below to get a feel for Perl. My
> script below is incomplete and I'm doing an array within an array
> which is incorrect. Please help.

You are not using arrays you are using hashes.

> Here's what I want to do; I have to flat files (pipe delimited,
> export from a database) that I want to parse through and assign
> variables for each column. Basically, I want to parse through
> exclude_bases.txt and do: if base_no in exclude_bases.txt equals to
> base_no in base.txt then search in the "description" field of
> base.txt for the string listed in the "keyword" field in
> exclude_bases.tx and replace with "new_keyword" in exclude_bases.txt
> and write the out put into a new file called "new_bases.txt".
> Any suggestions on how I could accomplish the above task is greatly
> appreciated. Thanks all.
> Flat Files:
> base.txt:
> base_no|name|description
> 10000|test|test desc
> 10001|test2|test desc 2
> 10002|test3|test desc 3
> exclude_bases.txt:
> base_no|keyword|new_keyword|
> 10000|test desc|testdesc|0
> 10001|test desc 2|testdesc2|0
> 10002|test desc 3|testdesc3|1
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> my $exclude_bases = "exclude_bases.txt";
> my $current_base = "base.txt";
> my $output = "new_bases.txt";
> my %exclude_bases;
> my $exclude_text;
> my $exbase_no;
> my $keyword;
> my $new_keyword;

You should define variables in the smallest possible scope.

> open(EXCLUDE,"exclude_bases.txt" )|| die("Could not open file!");

You have stored the file name in the $exclude_bases variable above so 
why do you not use the variable instead?  You should include the $! 
variable in the error message so you know *why* it failed.

> %exclude_bases=<EXCLUDE>;

You are assigning the list from the file to a hash.  The list elements 
are defined by the value of the $/ variable so here each element of the 
list is a line from the file.  Because you are assigning to a hash the 
first element is a key and the second element is the value for that 
key.  if any of the keys (odd elements) are the same as a previous key 
then the old value will be overwritten by the new value and you will 
lose lines from the file.

> close(EXCLUDE);
> my $base_no ="";
> my $name="";
> my $description="";
> my $current_base="";
> my $base_text="";
> my %bases;
> open(BASE,"base.txt")|| die("Could not open file!");

Same as above.

> %bases=<BASE>;

Same as above.

> close(BASE);
> #choping lines and assign variables to base.txt
> foreach $base_text (%bases)
> {
>   chop($base_text);

You should use chomp() instead of chop().

>   ($base_no,$name,$description)=split(/\|/,$base_text);
> #choping lines and assign variables to exclude_bases.txt
> foreach $exclude_text (%exclude_bases)
> {
>   chop($exclude_text);

Same as above.

>   ($exbase_no,$keyword,$new_keyword)=split(/\|/,$base_text);
>   if ($exbase_no=$base_no) {

You are assigning the value of $base_no to the variable $exbase_no.  If 
the value of $base_no is "true" then the expression is "true".  You 
want to use a comparison operator like '==' or 'eq'.

>   $keyword =~ s/$keyword/$new_keyword/g;}

Your description said that you wanted to modify 'the "description" 
field of base.txt' so that sould be:

   $description =~ s/$keyword/$new_keyword/g;}

> }
> }

It looks like you may want something like this:

use strict;
use warnings;

my $exclude_bases = 'exclude_bases.txt';
my $current_base  = 'base.txt';
my $output        = 'new_bases.txt';

open EXCLUDE, '<', $exclude_bases or die "Could not open 
'$exclude_bases' $!";

my %exclude_bases;
while ( <EXCLUDE> ) {
    next if $. == 1;  # exclude header
    my ( $exbase_no, $keyword, $new_keyword ) = split /\|/;
    $exclude_bases{ $exbase_no } = { from => qr/\Q$keyword/, to => 
$new_keyword };

close EXCLUDE;

open BASE, '<', $current_base  or die "Could not open '$current_base' 
open OUT,  '>', $output        or die "Could not open '$output' $!";

while ( <BASE> ) {
    my ( $base_no, $name, $description ) = split /\|/;
    if ( exists $exclude_bases{ $base_no } ) {
        $description =~ 
        $_ = join '|', $base_no, $name, $description;
    print OUT;


use Perl;

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