On Dec 18, 2007 1:48 PM, minky arora <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> !/usr/bin/perl

I think you meant for that to begin with #!, not to nitpick....

> foreach my $line(<FILE>){

That should run your loop once for each line in the file. But I prefer
this line:

  while (my $line = <FILE>) {

That should also run the loop once for each line in the file. But
because it uses <FILE> in scalar context, it will read one line, run
the loop, then go back to read another line. Using <FILE> in list
context (as foreach does) means to read the entire file at once, but
there's no need to bring what may be a large file into memory if
you'll be processing it a line at a time. (To be sure, perl may
optimize this code; but it's safer in general to use while.)

> $fname=substr($line,0,10);
> $lname=substr($line,10,15);
>   $address=substr($line,16,25);
>   $lline=substr($line,59,13);

That doesn't add up right, unless you're not using substr() correctly.


For the kind of thing you're looking to do, unless you really do want
overlapping fields, I think you want unpack().


> Now each record as I calculated is of a fixed lenght of 75 chars.I
> need some idea as to how to run the Loop to print all such
> records.Right now I am only able to print the first record,

Perhaps your data file isn't organized in lines? The readline operator
(angle brackets around a filename, like <FILE>) reads a text file a
line at a time, but it's not usually appropriate for non-text files.
You probably want the read() operator.


Hope this helps!

--Tom Phoenix
Stonehenge Perl Training

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