From: "minky arora" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Here is my code:
> !/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> open FILE, "/users/meenaksharora/db.txt" or die"cnt open $!";
> my($fname,$lname,$address,$lline,$line,@db);
> foreach my $line(<FILE>){
> $fname=substr($line,0,10);
> $lname=substr($line,10,15);
>   $address=substr($line,16,25);
>   $lline=substr($line,59,13);

  my ($fname,$lname,$address,$lline) = ($line =~ 

> $fname=~s/\s+/ /;
> $lname=~s/\s+/ /;
> $address=~s/\s+/ /;
> $lline=~s/\s+/ /;

for ($fname,$lname,$address,$lline) {
  s/\s+/ /; 
  # you sure? Replace the first group of spaces by a single one?

> print "$fname $lname\n";
> print "$address\n";
> print"$lline\n";
> }
> Now each record as I calculated is of a fixed lenght of 75 chars.I
> need some idea as to how to run the Loop to print all such
> records.Right now I am only able to print the first record,

If the file doesn't contain lines, but fixed length records you 
should either use read() or set 

  $/ = \75;

 perldoc -f read
 perldoc perlvar

If you modify $/ you should do so for the smallest part of the code 
possible ... I would rather use read() myself.

===== [EMAIL PROTECTED] === =====
When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
        -- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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