2008/3/12, Jenda Krynicky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> From: "obdulio santana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I want to show some áéíóú or ~n ~N in my program but I dont know how to
> print
> > it  in a properly way;
> >
> > perl -e "print \"algodón\n\""
> >
> > algod 3/4 n
> >
> > thanks in advance.
> I'm afraid you'll have to tell us what operating system you use.
> The problem is most likely that you have your locale or system
> character encoding or whatever it's called in your OS set up wrong.
> You should have no problem with Spanish on a properly set system.
> Sorry

to be more specific  I'm using windows XP, (that why \") and ActivePerl
5.8.8 my app must run in console.

the solution about binmode recently propoused didn't fix the problem.

in linux my app work great, but  the end users use windows.

regards, any help will be fantastic ,

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