On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 10:36 AM, Sharan Basappa
> Hi,
>  I am trying to extract information from a file that follows the syntax
>  of a high level language (something like C++)
>  The script just needs to understand a very minuscule portion of this
>  language to do this. It does not have to
>  know the complete high level language. I just wanted to know any
>  modules are available within perl that makes
>  this job easier. I feel it is possible to do the complete work in
>  perl, but I might be wrong. Especially around the
>  recursion that languages support. The other option I have is to use a
>  public domain parser like Bison and parse
>  the input, build some data structure that perl can lookup and do the 
> processing.
>  I would like to know experience of people on this forum ...
>  Regards

Take a look at Parse::RecDescent*.  In general, it doesn't matter if
you want to work with a small piece of a language or the whole
language, you still need to implement a parser for the whole language.
 You can get an eighty or ninety percent solution without a full
parser, but there will always be problems.

* http://search.cpan.org/dist/Parse-RecDescent/lib/Parse/RecDescent.pm

Chas. Owens
The most important skill a programmer can have is the ability to read.

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