On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 6:51 AM, William <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello, I have just upgrade my perl-5.8.8 to perl-5.10 , this new perl is 
> installed at /usr/local/bin/perl
> I have install a lot of modules in the old perl directory, so I have problem 
> of using the new perl version because of many uninstalled module, should 
> reinstalled all the modules that I need into the new perl directory or make 
> my new perl @INC to include the @INC of the old perl ?
> If appending the directory of old perl @INC to new perl @INC would just fine, 
> how can I configure the @INC of new perl PERMANENTLY ?
> Other than using "use lib @DIR"  ? I thought of using "export PER5LIB=...." , 
> but not sure how to make it permanently all the time ?
> If it's better to reinstall the modules into the new perl directory, what are 
> the good ways to uinstall modules that I have installed in the old perl 
> directory ?

You need to install the modules.  Using the modules from the old
version can cause errors if some of them contain XS code.  If you know
that you are going to support multiple versions of Perl, you may want
to create a shared directory for non-XS modules, but there is no way,
that I know of, to change perl's starting copy of @INC.  You must use
the lib pragma or PERL5LIB to add the pathes.

Depending on how the modules were installed, there may or may not be a
good way to uninstall them.  If you installed them with a package
manager like dpkg or rpm then you can use it to remove them.  If you
installed by hand or with CPAN, well, disk is cheap (multiply your
hourly rate by a few hours and compare that to buying another hard
drive) and Perl modules are generally tiny.
Chas. Owens
The most important skill a programmer can have is the ability to read.

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