On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 11:32 AM, Richard Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> zentara wrote:
> I was just listening to podcasting and I heard Chad Fowler("my job went to
> india: 52 ways to save your job) talking about programming language
> in general.
> One of the quotes he says that I felt like it was for me was that, "You
> really need to get out of your comfort zone time to time or else your
> comfort zone will
> be one of your limiting factor"....
> now I am still a beginner at perl but I have been using perl(I know no other
> programming languages) and I am really attached to the perl and wanted to
> get some other perspective and since I have been hearing so much about
> ruby..
> I am not sure if learning another language while I am still newbie at my
> first language though.........
> But giving that perl touches up on just too many areas, I feel like I should
> include another language just to get a fresh views.......

I'm not sure how accurate this can be, not knowing any Ruby, but if
you want to "get out of your comfort zone", and learn something new,
Ruby again might not be the best choice.
Ruby, Perl and Python are all scripting languages and, in many ways,
fairly similar. I wouldn't really call Ruby a different "zone" than
Perl. I'm going to advocate C/C++ or Java again. As much as you've
heard about Ruby, I assure you C/C++ and Java are far more popular and

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