On Wed, Nov 05, 2008 at 11:05:30AM -0500, Chas. Owens wrote:

> >> while (<IN>) {
> snip
> You should be using lexical filehandles and the three argument version of 
> open*:


or perhaps

s/should be/should probably consider/

There is nothing inherently wrong with either standard filehandles or
the two argument version of open, especially in a program this short.
Indeed, their use is replete in the documentation you cited.  Remember
that it is "officially OK" to program in baby Perl.

The line between correctness and style is not always obvious and whilst
best practices are to be encouraged I don't think they should be
required in this forum.  After all, my best practice might easily be
your excess verbosity or confusing idiom.

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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