On Thu, 2008-12-18 at 10:42 -0500, Gu, Han wrote:
> Hi,
> Still very noob when it comes to perl. Just have a quick question. I am 
> trying to match a string that is window's path
> Sample,
> $s1 = "c:\\log\s1.log";
> $s2 = $s1;
> If ($s1 =~ m/$s2/i) {
>             print "matched\n";
> }
> It just wouldn't match. I can put the actual string into m//i, which would 
> work, but I have to make it work with variable, since I'll be reading in the 
> actual string from a file.
> Greatly appreciate any answer I get.
> Thx
> Han

To match non-alphanumeric characters in a string, you need to quotemeta

if( $s1 =~ m/\Q$s2\E/i ){
  # ...


my $s2 = quotemeta( $s1 );
if( $s1 =~ m/$s2/i ){
  # ...

perldoc quotemeta
perldoc perlretut
perldoc prelre

Just my 0.00000002 million dollars worth,

The key to success is being too stupid to realize you can fail.

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