root wrote:
The following script gives me confusing results. I've not delved into OOP before and am surprised when something appears to work but gives wrong answers.
    Explicitly Digest::MD5's md5_hex gives wrong answers if called as
Digest::MD5->md5_hex. OK, I've figured out that it shouldn't be called
like that after the fact but am surprised that it appeared to work,
throwing no warnings or errors.
    Err I forget, Debian 4.0 Etch (mostly), Perl 5.8.4 $ CPU = P1.

root@/deb40a:~/perl.practice> md5sum md5_hex; ./md5_hex md5_hex; ./md5_hex -d md5_hex; ./md5_hex -o md5_hex # on one line
724d24ef7d8353f2061534850fd11bef  md5_hex
724d24ef7d8353f2061534850fd11bef  md5_hex
5e4c8a2bd461ae80cd9d0d08e1da12a3  md5_hex
724d24ef7d8353f2061534850fd11bef  md5_hex

Elucidation will be appreciated.

#   md5_hex 1/1/09 (c) Mike McClain
#   return md5 as /usr/bin/md5sum

use strict;     #   this can be removed when all bugs are fixed
use warnings;   #   duplicates -w
use integer;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);            #   md5_hex         32 bytes long

$|++;           #   unbuffered STDOUT

my $myDebug = 0;
my $useOO = 0;
my( $target, $calcdMD5);

##  get CL switches
while( @ARGV && ($ARGV[0] =~ /-[do]/io) )
{   $myDebug = shift @ARGV              if( @ARGV && ($ARGV[0] =~ /-d/io) );
    $useOO = shift @ARGV                if( @ARGV && ($ARGV[0] =~ /-o/io) );
#   set debug from the CL as md5_hex -d3
$myDebug = substr($myDebug, 2)          if( length($myDebug) > 2);

# print out the globals
if ( $myDebug && ($myDebug =~ /1/) )
{   print "\$myDebug = $myDebug.\n";
    print "\$useOO = $useOO.\n";
    print "\...@argv = @ARGV\n";

foreach( @ARGV)
{   $target = $_;

More proper as:

foreach my $target ( @ARGV )

    if( $useOO)
    {   open(FILE, $target) or die "Can't open '$target': $!";

With modern versions of Perl you can use lexically scoped filehandles and the three argument form of open() which can include binmode in the mode:

{ open(my $FILE, '<:raw', $target) or die "Can't open '$target': $!";

        print Digest::MD5->new->addfile(*FILE)->hexdigest, "  $target\n";
    {   $calcdMD5 = cksum_file($target);
print $calcdMD5, " ", $target, "\n"; }

#   -------     end of main     -------------------

sub cksum_file  #   ($file)
{   # return md5_hex sum of file or 0 if file doesn't exist
    my $file = shift;
    my $digest;
    local $/;                           # slurp mode
return '0' if( ! -e $file);
    open INFILE, "<$file" || die "Unable to open $file: $! stopped ";

You have a precedence problem as the high precedence of the '||' operator means that this will not die() even if open() fails. You need to either use parentheses for open's arguments or use the low precedence 'or' operator.

Also, I wouldn't use a file test operator because the result from open() will already tell you whether the file exists or not.

    my $data = <INFILE> ;
    close INFILE;
    if ( $myDebug )     #   this gives wrong answers
    {   $digest = Digest::MD5->md5_hex($data); }
    {   $digest = md5_hex($data); }

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