On Thu, Jan 08, 2009 at 06:47:05PM -0800, John W. Krahn wrote:
> root wrote:
> >    The following script gives me confusing results. 
> >I've not delved into OOP before and am surprised when something 
> >appears to work but gives wrong answers.


> >
> >foreach( @ARGV)
> >{   $target = $_;
> More proper as:
> foreach my $target ( @ARGV )

    You're absolutely right. My excuse (you knew I'd have one) is that
this was cut from a much larger application (dir compare) where $target
needed broader scope.
> >    if( $useOO)
> >    {   open(FILE, $target) or die "Can't open '$target': $!";
> >        binmode(FILE);
> With modern versions of Perl you can use lexically scoped filehandles 
> and the three argument form of open() which can include binmode in the mode:
>      {   open(my $FILE, '<:raw', $target) or die "Can't open '$target': 
> $!";

    I knew about the three argument form of open() but somehow missed ':raw'.
Thanks for pointing it out.


> >    local $/;                           # slurp mode
> >    
> >    return '0'                          if( ! -e $file);
> >    open INFILE, "<$file" || die "Unable to open $file: $! stopped ";
> You have a precedence problem as the high precedence of the '||' 
> operator means that this will not die() even if open() fails.  You need 
> to either use parentheses for open's arguments or use the low precedence 
> 'or' operator.
I've had that (|| vs or) in my notes (Camel p.191) for three or four weeks 
now but hadn't run across it when I first wrote the script.

> Also, I wouldn't use a file test operator because the result from open() 
> will already tell you whether the file exists or not.

If I recall, the test is in there as protection against running md5sum
against a broken link. That part didn't make it into the part you saw.
Oops, my bad.

> >    binmode(INFILE);
> >    my $data = <INFILE> ;
> >    close INFILE;
> >    if ( $myDebug )     #   this gives wrong answers
> >    {   $digest = Digest::MD5->md5_hex($data); }
> >    else
> >    {   $digest = md5_hex($data); }
> >    $digest;
> >}
> >__END__
> John
> -- 
> Those people who think they know everything are a great
> annoyance to those of us who do.        -- Isaac Asimov

    One of my favorite authors.

    Thanks for the critique,

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