On 5/8/07, mak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 09/05/07, Golam Mortuza Hossain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > As it could be a major upgrade for Probhat layout, it would be nice
> > if people post their other concerns/comments/usability issues that they
> > might have!!
> >
> >
> If possible think about the dot / fullstop / period symbol; to get this
> either go to numeric keypad, or change the layout into English again.

I would say "|" (vertical bar) is the more intuitive daanri symbol,
but then we'll have to find something for double-daanri.

Here's another idea that may or may not be worth pursuing: X has (or
at least had) this concept of groups -- in fact what used to happen
when you switched a layout was you moved to a new group. (I'm speaking
in the past tense because there has been some restructuring with the
Xorg move and I'm not sure if this has changed). The interesting thing
was that even though a single keystroke could only emit one character,
it could also change the group.

I used this feature to fake a finite state machine and created a
modified probhat layout that had the same key bound to different code
points depending on context. So, for example, vowel keys like u would
be bound to উ in state 1 and ু in state 2. Pressing any consonant key
would change the state to 2. Pressing any vowel key would change to
state 1, etc. The advantage of this is that (1) it's more intuitive
and (2) frees up more keys.

I gave up on using this after moving to Xorg because my old layout
changing commands didn't work any more and I couldn't figure out how
to fix it. I'm not sure if it's at all possible now, but if it is and
if others are interested, this could be the basis of an alternative

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