Ok, another question from the worrywort... 
(The health issues in the breed have made me paranoid
about any changes that I notice in my dogs!)

I have noticed in the past three to four weeks that Lily
has started snoring, sometimes very loudly. She never 
snored before. I have also noticed that one of her nostrils
is now a little runny -- not with any mucous, just with 
what looks like water. Under the nostril, there is frequently
a little bit of moisture that is absent on the other side. 

Is it possible that these two oddities could be related to her
allergies? I've always been told canine allergies manifest
themselves in non-hayfever type ways, but it certainly is 
possible that it's all related. 

She's a healthy, happy, active, three year old spayed Berner
girl. There have been no other changes that I have noticed.

Any ideas what could've caused this new little quirks?

Lily & Max
Astoria, OR  

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