Just a thought, but when we first got Holly at 4 mo of age, she was
"antsy" at night,...I honestly thought there might have been spiders in
the carpet or something else biting her, she was so jumpy.  Our vet
thought she had juvenile acne because of sores that sound similar to
what you see,...on her butt and between her rear legs.  Cream didn't

Turned out a friend suggested we check her earflaps,....see if they were
crusted around the edges,..and they were! Our vet was doubtful about our
suggested diagnosis when we called back, but on skin scraping got a
mange mite!  She had scarcoptic mange and in fact, brought it with her
from the breeder, as we were told other pups there were treated for it,
when we called to inquire! 

It is contagious so you never know!  Something to consider if things
don't clear up with the treatment you've been advised to try. 

Patti (in Brockville with Holly the new "couch potato girl", Buddy the
Aussie (only my front legs, see mom?) and Frosty the crazy ice storm cat
(If I wrap my body around the dogs head does it count???)

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