----- Original Message -----
From: "Gilarski, Kevin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  I
> am in the process of getting the films back and sending them to the
> breeder's vet for a more personable second opinion.  If any of you have
> experienced anything similar and have some advice for me, please let me
> know.

Well, dogs which have clear parents can indeed have displaysia--there in a
complex series of genes that goes into creating orthopedic issues; I should
know, as my seven year old horse has a orthopedic issue (OCD) in spite of a
healthy mother, healthy father, many many healthy 1/2 siblings, and athletic
and sound grandparents. Sometimes, you just get unlucky.

If your young dog is stiff and uncomfortable after lying down, there is
*something* going on. I will cross my fingers that the issue is just some
growing pains, and not ED. Best luck and good wishes!

Oh, also, a consultation fee is *not* unusual. You are asking vet #2 for an
expert opinion, and to take time out to look at films and discuss it with
you. I had a specialist looking at a very ill cat last fall, and he also
charged a consultation fee (which was steep, just like the one quoted to
you). I didn't *like* it, but I do understand why he wanted to charge for
his time and experience!

Eileen Morgan
The Mare's Nest

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