Let's see...
I have a farm in rural Montana where I raise cattle and goats and am on my way to another state to pick up my new Berner pup. The family is so excited!
Since the breeder knew it was going to help on the farm, herding the cattle; I only have five head and guarding the kids (baby goats), good grief, what a shock it was when "she" sent me home with a new kibble that I have to order from Mississippi at least two weeks in advance, told me pup could not even toddle about the farm behind me or his bones would surely become deformed, informed me he could absolutely not play with my adult Border Collie or mutt until he was at least a year old and if the neighbor's dog (don't know if she gets vaccinated or not) should escape her pen and wander over, well, the exposure to all the diseases she must harbor could surely play havoc with my new pup's immune system...
Should a farm dog be born with this fragile a consitution and, since, right now, they are, at an alarming rate, consider the "mess" we leave for our great-great grandchildren when they decide to breed Berners; pups will have to be sent to their new homes with those doggy wheelchairs you see in the Product section of "Dog Fancy."
(Rancher Ray is a fictional character) The scenario is all too real.
Lisa Allen

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