This is an interesting discussion about expectations
from your breeder.  Hopefully one that was discussed
openly and honestly before getting a pup.  By having
these types of discussion before you buy can be a
useful tool to determine if this is a breeder with
whom you work.  It also demonstrates a knowledge on
the part of the PPO about the health risks involved. 
It is not a pleasant or easy discussion when you are
so enthralled in the puppies.

As for me, I don't think any breeder can provide a
blanket garuantee of health.  I truly wish they could,
because then all their hard work to improve the health
and welfare of the breed would be realized and there
would be no need for this type of discussion.  This is
not a car or an appliance, but a dynamic being.  My
position is that if I bring an animal into my life, I
accept complete responisbility for it's care and
well-being.  I don't expect my breeder to replace the
dog or refund my money.  I knew the risks when I
accepted the dog.  What I would like from my breeder
is the value of his/her knowledge on the alternatives
to care and treatment for the problem.  Afterall, the
responisble breeder spends a great deal of time
researching a match in order to reduce these health
problems not the opposite.

Enough of my rambling, and please take it for what it
is worth, an opinion amd only that.

Bernerly regards to you all.

Wendi Giordano [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Striving to be worthy of my beautiful Berner girls...
Miss Kitty (Swiss Stars Cat Balou)
Splash (Swiss Stars Over Niagara)
And Struggling to live up to "A tired puppy is a good puppy."
Cutter (Swiss Stars Black Diamond)

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