Several weeks ago someone wrote the List regarding a pup with osteochondrosis, but I 
saw few, if any, posted responses (perhaps all were private) I thought I'd repeat 
the request for input.
I have a six-month-old BMD pup who has been limping, on and off, since 4.5 months. 
Although she had been examined previously, when she was spayed last week they were 
able to get good films of her shoulders and elbows, which were sent out for a consult. 
The tentative diagnosis: osteochrondrosis in the left shoulder. More films will be 
taken in a few weeks, with an improved view from a better angle, to confirm. If OCD is 
diagnosed, we will have choices to make...I have been reading up on the condition 
(including a Web article by Pat!), and my feeling is that surgery would be 
a more reasonable approach than a trial of enforced rest (this is an active girl with 
a 2-year-old BMD "brother" she loves to play would be difficult or 
impossible to attempt total rest).
I would appreciate hearing from others who have dealt with this condition...your 
experiences with the surgery, recovery,  success, return to activity, or if you found 
rest to be a viable solution in lieu of surgery.
Thanks in advance for your input...
Anne (with Maddie and Titan)

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