Hi Vicky,
As Major's breeder I think it's time you and I had a little talk about sex

Intact young dogs can arouse themselves in much the same way an adolescent
boy does only he has to wait it out because his paws are already hairy!!

What Major has experienced is known as an outside tie only he didn't have
the pleasure of a bitch's company. Let us assume there is a bitch around
(even if it's just a dream right now:-). The dog mounts from behind and
after much poking around will penetrate the bitch and pelvic thrusts are
observed while he's trying to hit the bullseye. Once he's entered the penis
quickly swells to rather enormous proportions and at the base of his penis
is the "bulb" that locks him in place. It is while he is stomping her feet
into the ground like some bad dancepartner he is drip ejaculating.
(Incidentally for those of you who like to scratch your dog's butt and he
starts to dance you are sexually exciting him, not so innocent eh?) Dogs do
not ejaculate in a spurt like most mammals but drip like a leaky faucet.
This is normally very cloudy containing the semen, then depending on a)his
expertise b) his manners he will collapse on the bitch's back with a
satisfied if somewhat dopey expression on his face. If he is good at his
job he effortlessly dismounts to one side and swings his leg over to stand
bum to bum for a period of time, anything between 10minutes to 35minutes.
Seems like forever in January:-)
This is where we get back to Major's predicament, he is now dripping clear
liquid and it is not urine but prostatic fluid. Just put a towel under him
and tell him what a good boy he is, all is fine and all you have to do is
squish your inhibitions and make sure all goes back nicely and his sheath
hasn't got caught and rolled inwards when he retracted himself. There is
more information I can share with you but I'll move off the list before I
make someone's grandma blush:-)))


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