OMG, Vicky, I haven't laughed that hard in ages. Thank

If anyone (any adult) missed that post on the Berner-L
#4123, it's well worth going back to read (even if
only for the chuckle you'll get).

And Vicky, I'd like to take your topic on a brief,
non-berner detour. 

Here in the wilds north of Billings, Montana, I've
been a tad alarmed at the number of wierd animal
sounds coming occasionally from the forest around us.
This is especially alarming at night. My Tibetan
Mastiff goes nuts over it sometimes. So I've actually
gone out to find the source of the noises but without

Upon casual inquiry of some longtime locals, one being
the cattle rancher whose property adjoins ours, I
learned its been rutting (mating) season for many
species of the local wildlife. Thankfully, I'd already
lived through his annual cattle breeding season with
my only incident being when I had a superb 'mexican
stand-off' with a thoroughly aroused bull in the
middle of my road. It was a long few minutes before he
decided that (1) I wasn't a cow and (2) I wasn't
another bull. Whereupon my hubby said, of course,
'Welcome to the country'.

I'm told the noises from the forest should stop soon.

Esther Wilson

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