Four days on the list and I'm already asking for help ... My 3 year old
intact male, Griffin, was diagnosed today with Erhlichiosis. He had had a
very tiny nosebleed, no other symptoms and to be on the safe side, I took
him in earlier this week for the vet to check him over. I had had him on a
tick repellent, Frontline Vet, but did find the odd tick on him this summer.
The results arrived this morning. My vet (I love her for being so smart) has
prescribed oral Doxicycline 550 mg/day for 3 weeks. She said that all his
other blood work was completely normal, but that he had very high titres for
Ehrlichia. I have read through the material at the BMD Health Links site and
well, frankly, I'm even more scared now than I was before I read through
them. Has anyone on the list had any experience with this? Is there anything
else besides the antibiotics that I can give him to help him beat this?

Thanks in advance,
Cecilia Ståhl
Stockholm, Sweden

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