----- Original Message -----
From: "jesse & shelley gonzales" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> If any of you have experienced this behavior with any dog, I would love to
> hear about your remedies, treatment or anything you did to try to help
> dog get over this.

I don't have a dog which is claustrophobic in the house, but Lliira cannot
be crated. I guess one thing I find works is the "all good things" here
strategy--feed in the house, do many pleasant things in the house, try and
reduce all negatives. In other words, if the dog hates being brushed, go
outside to groom. I also find control over environment can help a stressed,
nervous dog. I'm wondering if having a dog door, and thus the option to go
out at will, would help? Lliira loves to sleep in a crate if there is no
door attached.

As far as dealing with the anxiety, I do know a person or two with rescue
Pyrs who found that anti-anxiety medication helped get the dogs over early
difficult periods. I think the vet put them both on something like Prozac,
which the dog was weaned off slowly once the drug taking the edge off
enabled the owners to work through the problems. *this is different people,
different vets.

Sorry I'm not much more help than that! Let us know if you have any good
success. I would love to learn more about how to work with this sort of

Eileen Morgan
The Mare's Nest

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