I have broached this subject before. My berner pup, now 14 weeks, wakes
up and begins barking and crying at 2AM. I am not what you would call a
late sleeper and am usually at work by 5AM. My wife and I have a sysytem
where she takes her out later at night and then I would take her out at
4AM. This was our plan, now it seems like a fantasy.
Every morning like clockwork she starts barking. We live in a condo so I
do not want her to keep barking. At first, when she was 10 weeks old I
would rush to put on my jacket to take her out. I soon learned going out
whats the last thing in her mind. When I try to take her out she lays on
her back and wants to be petted or play.
We have since set up her crate to be like an enclosed den at night. That
worked for a few nights. Now I just get up and talk to her at 2 AM and
give her a little water and try to get another hour nap on the couch.
This seems to work fine.  Any suggestions?   Terry Bering

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