hi there, i'm just wondering what to do in this situation.  i have an 8 month old BMD 
who has been around dogs all her life.  i have two other mutts who are 5 and 6 and she 
adores them.  i also walk dogs so she has been around all those dogs forever.  now i 
have these other dogs stay with me sometimes--she is fine with these two girl dogs 
that have stayed here a few times since she was very little.  but this holiday i am 
taking care of a boy vizsla who i have had since he was 6 months old, he's 4 years old 
now, for 3 weeks.  she loves him when we go out hiking and they're fine.  he is 
extremely submissive to everyone, too.  he just likes to run and be chased.  well, 
today i brought him home for a trial run to see how he was in my place and she was a 
total jerk.  every time he walked by, her lip would raise.  i have a basket of bones 
that i leave out and she snapped at him for no reason when he sort of went near it and 
he totally cried.  she doesn't do this to the other dogs i take care of that she also 
knows.  every afternoon when i come home to take my shower, she lays in the bathroom 
with me.  well, today the vizsla was nervous so he came in there and i was petting him 
and she got all jealous and came over to be pet and snapped at him again.  he got so 
scared he wouldn't walk by her for the rest of the afternoon and she was very cocky.  
but he did take a bone and start chewing on it and she just looked at him and got 
another one.  she's not mean and she loves to play but i have never really seen this 
side of her.  so what's any advice on why she's being like this and what i can do when 
he stays for 3 weeks so he's not terrified.  also, the only other dog she's been like 
this with is her "sister" a 1 year-old ridgeback who lives upstairs and they see each 
other every day and were raised together--she gets a little weird with her, too, out 
of the blue, she gets mad and will raise her lip or snap suddenly--never fighting, but 
just snap.  what should i do?  thank you!  and thanks to everyone who has every helped 
me out with one of my questions in the past!
danielle & hudson

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