When I read Suzanne H's post about the Berners that have died recently I
thought "She is reading my mind."  The pain in those posts telling of best
friends leaving is like a being that jumps from the computer to heart,
reminding of past losses.  For those of us that have had time to heal, the
pain is but a small hint, the memories of joy much more powerful now.

The story of Jordon and Hesse has been inspiring, a word that falls far
short.  When I looked at Hesse's beautiful pic today I thought how lucky I
am to hear this story!  Not that the first pictures didn't just about rip my
heart out, they did.  But now, wow, what an amazing gift of healing!

I look to the corner of the love seat, Freckles' spot, where he is curled up
sleeping.  The last few days he has been in my lap whenever possible, I'm
not sure why.  He's had a rough go lately and we have had some long talks.
But, that isn't it now.  I really haven't figured it out.  But it leads me
to think of the BARC puppies, and that assures me of miracles!   The BARC
pups didn't stand a chance, if you've been to an auction you know those
words aren't used for drama, it's the plain truth.  They were quite
literally saved, in my opinion, from hell.  Thank you BARC families, from
the bottom of my heart!  To Gail Miller, who decided to rescue the most tiny
Berner pup of all, what can I say?  Think of the people that have been
touched by the choice you made...

The Bernese Mountain Dog community is quite a unique place in my mind.  It
has an intensity about it that I don't think most people experience.  You
feel each up and down, each sorrow and triumph.  You feel the rage at people
that would dare to use and hurt these dogs.  When I try to explain this to
my family and friends I can't do it, I can't paint a picture that
encompasses what it all means.  It really seems to be some sort of spiritual
bonding, but I'm unable to put my finger on it.  I just know I am a part of
it and it's something I never expected.

When I took Freckles into my home I thought it was a short term
relationship.  He sure has surprised me and Amy.  Whenever we talk about his
difficulties it is always with a "We never dreamed he'd make it, he's

Whether you support what BARC has done or not, I know you have all been
pulling for Freckles.  Thank you!  What a year it has been!

So, while my heart feels the pain of these losses, you are a group of people
willing to face this.  You are unwilling to miss the dance.  It's really
quite a life!

Happy Holidays to you all!

jane heggen & the boys of iowa

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