One of the reasons for the different breeds in my house is I love the
personalities.  The way you describe your first Berner, Jenn, reminds me of
my Leo, Cowboy.  Cowboy is a "thinker", a very smart boy, CGC in nothing
flat, clicker trained easily.  Bored easily.  He loves people, but when
first approached, with tail wagging, he ducks when a stranger reaches out to
pat his head.  Doesn't move his feet, doesn't stop wagging his tail, but
like your pup he's almost saying-geez, wait a minute, I don't even know you.
This is one of the few times he doesn't bark or talk in any way.  He seems
to want a chance to sniff first.  Now, once he knows you, don't you even
think of ignoring him or he will grumble, woo hoo, bark, whatever it takes.
He's a hoot!

I will never forget being out on the back porch one morning early drinking
my coffee when I hear a faint cry of my visiting sister for "Help!" coming
from the house.  I walk in to see my sister on the stair landing, and 5 big,
grinning ear to ear dogs waiting for her to come down the rest of the way!
Cowboy in particular vocalizing his delight to my sister's horror.  No way
was she coming down stairs without me there.  We laughed and laughed and I
forever tease her about my big, bad dogs trapping her.

Right now I am totally in love with my Pyr, Bean.  He is my oldest and for
some reason is getting a little more demonstrative and playful.  He'll come
up and touch me with his nose, just a little shove.  He has a look in his
eyes and a grin, wanting me to get up and "chase".  This means chase about 6
feet at the most before I grab him in a bear hug, tell him how much I love
him, and give him a great back, butt scratching.  Ahhhhh, it's heaven to
this guy.

Now while all this is going on we are surrounded by the black boys (the
Berners-we are racially blended, obviously!), bouncing, bouncing , bouncing
"me, me, me next" attitude!  Freckles is generally barking non stop while we
all ignore him (Damn it you guys, I am small but have a mighty bark!  Pay
Attention!!!!)  Zeke will most likely jump on the couch and flop back wards
with big, looking like beer belly, pointing  to the ceiling.  One of these
days I expect him to reach down and scratch his privates and belch!  Weaver
will be looking soft, reaching out with one paw quietly, asking " Can I have
just a little?  I don't like all this noise but I do love you and would like
a cuddle."

okay, it's a zoo, but I love it!

jane heggen & the boys of iowa (who are all very different with one mom)

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