Happy New Years to all, wishing you all a healthy and happy year, with many 
more to come.  
I have by mistake learned a new command for my guys.  With 3 boys all having 
their individual health and personality issues, some more than others, 
sometimes one boy at times need special "hugs and kisses" attention without 
having to compete with his brothers.  I have learned to teach "Only _insert 
dog name here -" with a hand signal (with us it is a palms forward as in the 
"stop" command.)  This means that the other dogs have to keep their distance 
while the individual dog gets the needed personal attention. Even if this 
means the attention-getting dog gets his leash put on and we leave the 
premises for whatever reason.  All boys get some attention when the 
"personal" time is over.  They all have readily learned to accept this.  Why 
was this easier to teach than other group commands?  Not that I am 

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